In the 2010 product releases, users will enjoy more date driven control in financial reports. These reports are based upon the gl transactions created behind the scene by the products so it is important to understand these reports in order to get the most out of the software.
In all Capital Software revenue programs, when a charge is added, modified or paid the system will create historical transactions at the time of the transaction (AR transactions must be turned on in the tran code in order for the system to make entries when charges are applied or edited). Capital recommends turning your AR transactions on for every tran code to enhance your reporting experience whether you are tracking AR entries in your accounting software or not.
The 2010 products include new or improved reports in the following areas:
Daily Balancing Cash - This report displays all payments by session in detail and is a critical daily balancing tool. This report reads directly from the gltran database so if a payment was made it will appear on this report.
AR Distribution - Whenver a charge is applied (like a billing or monthly interest) or adjusted your Accounts Receivable is effected. You can run this report for any date range and see the amounts. This is only AR not payments.
Fiscal Audit with Ageing (GL AR BASED) - Enter a starting and ending date and this report will display (by due date) all charges that have been billed, adjusted, penalties, interest, payments, credits, reversals, writeoffs and ending balancing as of whatever ENDING date you enter. This is a great audit tool when looking at a specific fiscal year.
Aged Trial Balance by Code (GL BASED) - Enter an ending date and this report will display every tran code outstanding as of the ENDING date. Each tran code is grouped by due date so you know what is applied, received and outstanding for that code/due date as of ending date.
Aged Trial Balance by Due Date (GL BASED) - Enter an ending date and this report will display every tran code outstanding as of the ENDING date for a due date. You know what is applied, received and outstanding for that code/due date as of ending date.
Trial Balance Account Summary and Detail (GL BASED) - These reports allow you to analyze a single account or multiple accounts. The report will display every line item on an account in the start and ending date range entered. This is very helpful when looking at an account over time and explaining what has occurred.
Older reports like the original aged trial balance (which reads data from the Charges tab) are still available in the system but these reports are not date specific. Some reports like the applied charges have been removed in exchange for the new GL based reports for created accuracy and to take advantage of the new system features.
We hope you enjoy these new reports. Remember that the system will make AR entries from the point you turn the AR function on in the system. It is not retroactive and can not recreate old transactions.
Thank you,
Capital Support Team.